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    37F 36M 10Month Baby Multiple Miscarriages Prior

    @kirwinnar I find it astounding that you would only qualify for 4 months maternity leave! However, presumably, you would gain that time again after working for a year or so..? In which case, I would leave it for the year, get the maternity leave and try using your acupuncture method. If...
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    Opinions from childless friends

    @katrina2017 I live in an area with a lot of farm land. The answer is actually to hold a blade of grass to the fence. It takes 99% of the sting out of it. Definitely try it first before exposing your 2 yo to it.
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    Having a second is "X" times as much work

    @jazzyd777 Making lunch for two as compared to one isn't that much more different, and in fact, you only have to get the stuff out of the fridge once and put it back. However, going to the fridge, getting out the cheese, heading to the lounge to sort out a disagreement, coming back to the...
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    Was 100% OAD. Now confused. 37(f) w/ 6+ age gap. What would you do?

    @bitgidi With what you've said here, I would be cautious. At best, you're uncertain and it is unclear whether your husband is likewise uncertain or a definite 'Hell yeah!' It doesn't come across like a resounding endorsement, to be honest. You might also want to consider the angle from your...
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    The Penguins Journey: OAD families in nature

    @kuhao1806 The Lion King has both Simba and Nahla(?) as onlies. Goldilocks and the 3 bears. The Magician's Nephew is probably too old for your LO.
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    The Penguins Journey: OAD families in nature

    @kuhao1806 Well, now I'm confused as to what you're looking for. Most humans usually have fewer than one a year...
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    The Penguins Journey: OAD families in nature

    @kuhao1806 Oh! I thought it was one per year.