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  1. R

    I've hit my glass ceiling..

    @kakashi007 I didn't have my two girls until my late 30's/early 40's because I was building my career. I felt like I had plateaued by that point, at least at that company, but they kept giving me more responsibilities and more pay without a title change, so I just rolled with it and had a kid...
  2. R

    Am I a terrible wife for not staying up late with my husband?

    @jramos1996 My husband works at the crack of dawn a minimum of four days a week, during the holidays he started an hour earlier and picked up extra shifts. I do not complain we don't get to hang out. He needs his sleep. He's got a BP2 diagnosis on top of a heart condition that the meds make him...
  3. R

    He left us

    @jnb2 Considering you got that car back, girl you've got balls. You're going to be just fine. Stay safe though, I'm officially the warner of men losing their mind and going manic and I'll spare you my soapbox lecture today because you seem to sense it. It's no joke, see if you can enlist his...