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  1. F

    I did it. I told my ped.

    @j010203t Yes, I told the tech, and she just asked if LO slept on her back still and was very pleased when I said yes! It made me feel so good knowing my ped office did not care at all. Made me feel like I was making the right choice taking my girl there.
  2. F

    I did it. I told my ped.

    @hihi55 I did the same in the beginning as well hahahaha
  3. F

    How can I get my 8 month old sleeping in his crib? WITHOUT crying it out

    @galatians220lyric My husband literally said "yeah, I don't think her crying affects me the same way it affects you" We are hormonally and physiologically driven to go pick up the crying baby. Baby is just expressing their needs. You are responding. Listening to my baby cry is like torture...