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  1. I

    Newborn Size Clothes are a Scam and Other Thoughts

    @dancingwithgod85 I mentioned this elsewhere but don't stress too much about future sizes yet. Your baby will size up at the most random times (e.g. moving into 6-9 month clothes at 4.5 months old, or not until they're 7.5 months old). Depending where you live, it could be unseasonably warm/cold...
  2. I

    Newborn Size Clothes are a Scam and Other Thoughts

    @jerryklasic I actually think newborn is good to have on hand if you can (in just a few basics). Mine were 6.5 and 7.25 pounds at birth. The 6.5 pounder wore newborn for 5 weeks and we didn't have enough! He then only lived in 0-3/3 months for 3 weeks before moving up. Our 7.25 pounder was...
  3. I

    Newborn Size Clothes are a Scam and Other Thoughts

    @ko9killer My girl wears a lot if her brother's hand me downs. He LOVES seeing her wear his old romper with bulldozers on it. I also don't see why some animals are for boys and others are for girls. I'm sorry but my girl makes the absolute BEST dinosaur noises (she truly rawrs) so I put her in...