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  1. H

    Does anyone feel that twins is just a setup to fail?

    @balancedworld I have 23 month old identical girls and I think I get very bitter about the fact that I went from zero kids to two. Sometimes when I’m out with only one I imagine how easy it would have been and how different how journey would be. I never get to just leave the house and go and I...
  2. H

    Risk of NEC in 6-month premie?

    @saintvron I transitioned them to completely formula around 5-6 months. My supply sucked. We LOVED Bobbie! It was so gentle on their bellies and I trust the ingredients. Expensive but worth it. I would just keep mixing both formula and BM until she can keep it down better. If she didn’t have...
  3. H

    Risk of NEC in 6-month premie?

    @saintvron I would not be worried since she was 35+ weeks and is now 6 months old. I had similar anxiety with my 32 weeker twins and transitioning them to only formula. I am a very anxious person and looking back I wish I would have not been because they didn’t get sick and I spent a lot of time...