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  1. D

    For those who have weaned before.

    @vl32 It did happen to me but it blew over just as suddenly as it happened. Did lots of cuddle time to help and was very gentle with myself during it.
  2. D

    Did/does anyone’s 6 month old do 3/3/4?

    @katvan1969 My daughter was on that
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    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    @mss91z28 I’m so terribly sorry for the situation you’re in because it sounds absolutely terrifying, heartbreaking and utterly rage-inducing. But can I just say what an AMAZING mom you are for finding the one positive thing about the situation and making that the hero of the story? Like honestly...
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    When is baby *not* going through regression

    @sungw Omg yes. And the endless confusion. Regression or schedule issue? Regression or teething? Regressing or illness? Regression or Pluto is misaligned? And how long do I wait? Or don’t wait? Retrain? Stick it out?
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    Training our 6 month old but what do we do when he turns himself sideways? (see pic in thread)

    @henry_ Mine still sleeps sideways or in a L shape. She’s a bit cuckoo. She figured it out herself.