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  1. M

    37 weeks, twin girls, natural or section?

    @lisajcoleman1 It sounds like your dr isn’t comfortable delivery vaginally in your case. Is there another dr in the practice you could discuss things with? Having a transverse Baby B absolutely doesn’t mean a c section is mandatory. I was in a similar situation, A head down and B transverse...
  2. M

    Vaginal v CSection Birth

    @allthatisgood Had my first at a birth center and was planning a home birth next before I found out it was twins. I really really did not want an induction and I carried as long as my OB would let me but ended up needing an induction because of increased rate of stillbirth at 37 weeks for my...
  3. M

    Sharing a crib

    @smaxiner My 5 month old twins are still sharing a crib. It’s worked well for us! I felt weird separating them after birth after they were so close for so long. At some point we will get a second crib.