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  1. J

    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @ahcadvocacy I can't figure a way to attach things on Reddit, but if you want it you can DM me somewhere to send the PDF. The main conclusion reads: " We conclude that healthy women of childbearing age can remain in a hot tub at 39.0°C for at least 15 minutes and at 41. I °C for at least 10...
  2. J

    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @ahcadvocacy If it were me, I'd ask the question as: How fast would your body need to reject heat to maintain 98.6F if the hot tub is at 110F or whatever. Then it's a simple Q=cm(delT) that's probably pretty close. Not sure if it's tabulated somewhere how much you can cool off by breathing or by...
  3. J

    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @heyyoo That's a good question, I'll email it to my momentum, heat, and mass transfer professor for homework material ;)
  4. J

    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    We did a problem about how much power a dolphin uses in swimming. In case you're curious, 1 dolphin power is about the same as 1 horsepower (assuming the dolphin is a cylinder with a low-medium drag coefficient).
  5. J

    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @ahcadvocacy This reads like a homework assignment from my undergrad heat transfer class. Especially the part about the 150 lb cylindrical human. Good thing I actually liked heat transfer, the flashbacks aren't too unpleasant haha! Thanks for this!