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  1. C

    What are your "do it all" life hacks?

    @holyspiritleads2truth Prep 90% of our food for the week on Sunday. I put on a show while my husband has the baby and chop all veggies, make any marinades, etc and stack them all by meal in the fridge. It keeps our grocery bill down because we don’t default to takeout and we still get healthy...
  2. C

    When did your ovulation/ period return EBF

    @benstiller12 Not quite total elimination for pretty dang close. Once or twice a week he’ll wake up around 4 am and is too hungry to fall back asleep so I’ll nurse him then, but prior to that he was consistently waking up 1-2x a night to feed so we actively worked to reduce that. It took about 5...
  3. C

    When did your ovulation/ period return EBF

    @benstiller12 9 months, when we night weaned.