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  1. S

    1 and 3 year old. What do we doooo all day!?

    @ahead I'm a SAHP with a 1, 3, and 6yo! Luckily 3yo has started her playschool (but only 3hrs). In relation to the trips out I try to add in a few trips that are learning for the kids to function in society (not just play centres and parks). But keep them local and short to save your energy! For...
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    Cosleeping vs bed sharing for 4 month old

    @xuanang01 I had/have my babies in the bed beside me (until about 10 months). I also used a cosleeper crib and could slide them into it when they settled. We tend to get good sleep however they do tend to look for feeds as they can smell me (exclusively breastfeeding). I tend to dreamfeed to...
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    Anyone on here who’s partner isn’t an abusive a-hole?

    @vigilantrogue I don’t think people change too much, so if your partner is loving and supportive they will probably continue to be so. I am recently a SAHM as I took a career break (now pregnant with #3). Husband is very engaged with the kids and can take care of them with no input from me (ie I...
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    “WhEn ArE yOu gOnNa BrInG tHe BaBy tO mY hOuSe??”

    @truthandpeace I find if you take them up on their offer and come unprepared so you change the baby’s diaper on the kitchen table, aim the baby vomit on their carpet, and let baby wail when trying to have a conversation, all the while letting your toddler run free around their house; they tend...