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  1. S

    I’m in tears…

    @john127 I’ve used this sub and gotten great advice that has helped with sleep. I adjusted nap schedules, worked on techniques to ease off night nursing, to ease off rocking to sleep. “Sleep training” absolutely includes techniques to assist to sleep. If you think this sub is simply CIO or...
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    I’m in tears…

    @john127 Yeah true. But I tried and it didn’t work. I had an initial instinct that it probably wouldn’t work either… my son is just how he is. I remember reaching out for advice about it, people telling me to just hold out longer, that it worked for them, and I pushed myself and my son too...
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    I’m in tears…

    @john127 This is not the case for all kiddos. I used the time limit because 30-40 min was a cue to me that whatever strategy I was using would not work. My son is very predictable. If he’s not down by 30-40 min, he’ll continue for hours (I did commit and try it once, with no success). However...
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    I’m in tears…

    @bobezeh It never feels like it will get better in the moment. However, you are not responsible for causing sleep problems though, please do not believe that. Certain sleep training methods work for some kids and don’t work for others. See it through as much as possible, but please don’t worry...
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    I’m in tears…

    @bobezeh I was ‘blessed’ with two terrible sleepers from the start, so solidarity. Haha. After going through 4-5 months with my second as well, I will say this: (Excluding all these fairy-tale unicorn babies we hear of) 4-5 months is just simply ROUGH, and I’m convinced there is very little in...
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    New dad here, please help. Seeking advice from those with experience in this situation. TIA

    @dreamer30 Firstly, I’m so happy you are being such a supportive partner. It can all be really stressful at first, and honestly, stress can be a big supply killer. My advice would be to take a big pause on all the pumping etc. reduce the stress and try to get her as much rest (and sleep) as...
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    I need help - baby is not gaining weight

    @apa You don’t have to stress about combo feeding. You can still breastfeed every session, then just top off with formula after each session. You can also pump after giving formula if you want to try to boost your supply. Giving the formula top-offs makes sure your baby gets full, but...