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    Feeding Aversion SOS

    @jsw3883 I am not sure. It is your baby afterall and it is your right to feel whatever type of way about surgery. In my case, I was completely opposed to the G-tube. I am not trying to demean anyone who has chosen to go that way or people that had no other way, but in my experience, I feel...
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    Feeding Aversion SOS

    @jsw3883 Nothing to say just but commenting to say hi and wish you lots of luck.
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    Tell me your stories of your 28-30 weekers

    @kimhimmel Yea, there were other issues too not so much related to his prematurity which made it much scarier. The worst experience of my life honestly.
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    Tell me your stories of your 28-30 weekers

    @kimhimmel 28-5. PPROM. Wife was in hospital for 3 weeks so did receive shots. His feeding was the last milestone for him to achieve and we worked on it from week 32-33 until discharge at 42. His breathing was “normal”. Intubated for a day and then high flow, low flow, and room air. He went on...
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    Little guy won’t sleep at night

    @adesigner Ah ok. We used them as well but didn’t see much difference either. Does tummy time help with gas? Also, I read that breastmilk pumped during the night hours has melatonin in it vs cortisol for the daytime so maybe try that.
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    Little guy won’t sleep at night

    @adesigner Are you breastfeeding or formula? Our LO has already been home for 3 months and still having so many issues sleeping continuously. Like yours, he sleeps well during the day but difficult at night. He gets breastmilk by bottle so we just “fill” him up until he’s passed out. We just...