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  1. B

    Should I even get a breast pump?

    @andreasavoia Yeah I pumped when my baby was in the NICU and then transitioned to formula when he came home. They do have pumps available at our hospital but I couldn’t be there around the clock so pumping at home was very helpful
  2. B

    3 months baby drinking 4 oz in 6 mins, am I doing anything wrong?

    @lorpro I would take the win. Like others have said, the higher flow nipple is probably what’s causing this and it is possible she will go back to her regular feeding amounts after she adjusts. But I think as long as she is not excessively spitting up her milk it should be fine. If a baby eats...
  3. B

    How much does your baby eat in a day?

    @augusto My son eats around 30-oz a day at 8 weeks. But he was FTT the first few weeks and took until he was one month old to make his birth weight, so he has catching up to do. I think you should think more about her eating as averages vs per-day. So for instance, my kid will some days have...