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  1. R

    Please convince me that it’s okay to quit pumping

    @msl74pc I did EFF from the start. My nipples are just insanely sensitive (like everyone’s lol) and I couldn’t stand the sensation of it. Even when I hand expressed I hated how it felt. Maybe if it was like once a day it would be tolerable. But it’s around the clock constant. I wasted so much...
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    Please convince me that it’s okay to quit pumping

    @vaccine Absolutely agree. Frankly I don’t even like the term “breastfeeding relationship” because it implies that breastfeeding is anything more than a cute little parasite sucking nutrients out of your titties. There’s really absolutely nothing in it for mom, because you don’t bond with your...
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @godsgirl345 I was referring to 32 oz by the end of the first month since that’s the guideline I’ve seen, and I wasn’t sure how to titrate up to get to that point. It seems as of today that as long as I offer at least 2 oz every 2-3 hours he’s satisfied, so I’ll just keep upping the amounts by...
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @godsgirl345 I know that now after reading everyone’s guidance! We did 11.5 oz yesterday but I’ve been upping the frequency of his feedings today and he seems to be doing quite well that way. He still sleeps a lot so I wake up around 2:30 for diaper change and by 2:45 I’m attempting a bottle...
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @sarnmere Thank you for acknowledging this! It is scary to worry about the shortage. I’ve also been so afraid to feed him because of his reflux the first 5 days of life. I woke up from a nap at the hospital to him covered in vomit and crying with more in his mouth. I feel almost traumatized by...
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @sarnmere We use the pitcher method! Since I made this post, we upped his feedings to 50-60 mL every 2.5 hours if he would take it. He did for each feeding and his spit up has not gotten worse! If anything it’s gotten better. He was a much happier, sleepier baby last night. It breaks my heart...
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @bdnelso87 This is very helpful, thank you! Sounds a lot like my bub, he was born 7 lbs even and was 6 lbs 8.6 oz at this 1 week checkup. So I’m aiming for around the same daily amount you’re stating. I’ve been feeding him every 2-2.5 hours instead of every 3 hours today, with one small feeding...
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @sarahcarmela Makes sense, thank you!
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    I’m really struggling with guilt

    @rohanakumara I mean, nothing humans do is really in line with “nature.” We have advanced medicine to treat or cure every ailment known to man. We have corrective lenses for people who can’t see. We have vitamins to supplement any deficiencies we might have. Formula is just another one of MANY...
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @dj7 Makes sense, thank you! He had a few hours where he was inconsolable last night and I fed him but he was crying even through it. I’m still not sure what was wrong but I’m going to try more frequent feedings!
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @bdnelso87 I do it pretty similarly to you! I typically burp every 0.5 oz and keep him upright for about 20 minutes after a feed. Only differences is I do let the nipple fill up fully and feed with him at. 45 degree angle in my arms instead of fully upright. These are helpful tips - thank you!
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @systematiker Dr. Brown’s with level 1 nipples. He sucks really well and it seems like the reflux has gotten better since we started using them, compared to the nipples on the ready-to-feed formula bottles at the hospital. I burp him every 10-15 mL and he’s a decent burper. We haven’t started...
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @systematiker I want my baby to take that much, but I just gave him 45 mL 2.5 hours after his last feed and he took the bottle but wouldn’t suck/take more than that. :( He also has bad reflux so I worry about making him vomit. I’ll keep trying with next feeding to give more.
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @marycris I don’t think my baby is a robot but thanks
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @defender I told my pediatrician what amounts and feeding schedule we were going by and she didn’t express any concerns. :( But I’m so new to all of this, I’m not sure what to think. It’s easy to tell when he’s fussing or rooting, but I haven’t seen other obvious cues from him since he sleeps so...
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @highlyfavoured I think it has something to do with the fact that formula is digested differently than breastmilk. My baby has reflux and if I feed him over 50 mL a feed he always spits up. Maybe I can try 50 mL every 2 hours instead of every 3!
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    @marycris The hospital and all the sources I’ve found say 3-4 hours for...
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    Is my baby getting enough?

    My 1 week old is getting an average of 45 mL of formula every 3 hours. Yesterday the total was 295 mL or about 10 oz. All the sources I can find say 1-2 oz a feed every 3 hours, so this seems fine. However the only guidelines I can find say by the end of the first month he should have 3-4 oz...
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    We make too much to get any assistance and not enough to live. I literally don’t know what we are going to do

    @donaldspede You mentioned student loans, I know there’s a current pause going on in the U.S. and at least here during active payments you can request a circumstance-specific decrease or income-based repayment. It may be worth giving your loan servicer a call if you haven’t already.