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  1. M

    Cloth diapering newborn

    @meki Thank you so much you’ve been so so helpful and from the little I’ve looked into about profiles and covers I’m sold! Now to get my husband on board lol, definitely will be utilizing the sub it’s already been so incredibly helpful
  2. M

    Cloth diapering newborn

    @meki I just checked out the link and kinda am loving the idea of perfolds more than I thought so thank you again! How did you get over the learning curve? I think my fear is that I will be extremely overwhelmed as a first time mom and the throws of postpartum but I am willing to try!
  3. M

    Cloth diapering newborn

    @buckeye_momof4 That’s a good tip and no I’m not militant on stark white diapers. I am more interested in the pre folds and covers now than before especially since it seems very customizable and maybe will fit a tiny newborn better. How did you learn about how to fold yours?
  4. M

    Cloth diapering newborn

    @meki Thank you this reply is so helpful! I will definitely look into the cloth pre fold inserts, with pre folds can I get them in any size and just fold it down to fit in the newborn pocket? I was interested in other styles of cloth but between being first time parents and my husband being...
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    Cloth diapering newborn

    @johansen Yes I didn’t even think of it either until I saw Nora’s nursery sizing starts at 10 pounds and my husband and I were tiny babies and shorter smaller adults too lol so I’m not anticipating a huge baby at the start!
  6. M

    Cloth diapering newborn

    @live4christ2016 Yeah I do like the idea of prefolds and covers a lot for the newborn stage, planning to probably get GMD bundle to start off with and then go from their with different types as baby grows out of the newborn stage!
  7. M

    Cloth diapering newborn

    @stephert Yeah I’m seeing that Alva isn’t the best choice lol! I’m thinking of just using the newborn disposables we have and then getting a set of essembly size ones with pre folds seems like a good balance
  8. M

    Cloth diapering newborn

    @hbyej60 How many newborn prefolds would you recommend getting? I was thinking 36 prefolds seems good and those seem to be able to fit with the essembly size one weight guidelines and then getting 36 small prefolds to start with so I have a stash for when baby outgrows their size ones already on...
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    Cloth diapering newborn

    @kla2 See I’ve gotten over 100 gifted disposables so I was thinking of using those until baby just hits the 7 lb requirement for the size one covers and to offset some stress the first two or so weeks.
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    Cloth diapering newborn

    @neck Yes that does make a lot of sense I keep forgetting they need to be prepped beforehand
  11. M

    Cloth diapering newborn

    @homesick7 I just checked out kinder and lovvvvee their cover prices so thanks for the mention!!
  12. M

    Cloth diapering newborn

    @homesick7 How many covers do you use and how many insertes do you have? Also how old is your little one lol
  13. M

    Cloth diapering newborn

    Hello cloth diaper fam! I have a few questions on the logistics of cloth diapering a newborn. I am still pregnant and have lots of time to figure out and learn more but I am very excited to begin. I am open to advice please!! I am hoping to cloth diapering from birth. I was thinking of getting...