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    I’ve had a fever every day for 8 days and I’m so pissed off.

    @gina Liposomal vitamin C and zinc are my go-tos My husband had a similar sickness a few weeks ago that finally went away after 7 days.
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @quedee If you add in home to your W+ account, you don’t have to tip for deliveries. Huge money saver for us.
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @quedee roborock vacuum + mop Walmart+ in home delivery buy the kids more undies/socks if that is the only reason you are doing laundry weekly. I can go 3 weeks without doing my kids laundry, then it just takes 1-2 loads to do it all (small kids, small clothes) lower expectations throw stuff...
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    Job Decision: keep the slightly toxic job that I know inside and out or switch to a brand new more creative job- with two toddlers - Help

    @hilbrand I think this really depends on what you are wanting. Are you fine just cruising along for next few years with toddlers at home (that’s what I’m doing). Or are you bored and wanting a challenge? If you aren’t super excited about this job, I’d say it’s a no. can you just wait and apply...
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    2 Demanding Jobs: Nanny or Daycare?

    @1stjohn0666 I’d look for a new nanny
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    This subreddit needs a wiki

    @duke845 Nailed it! This pretty much covers 75% of posts
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    This subreddit needs a wiki

    @wc0476 Yessss
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    1.5 hr Commute 1x a week

    @naila 100% yes! I am usually against a long commute but once/week for that kind of raise is a no brainer
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    What is it like going from 1-2 or 2-3 kids with 2 full time working parents?

    @infomommax I have 3 and the 1-2 transition was the hardest for us. It went from one parent always getting a “break” to neither of us getting a break. First 2 are 2 years apart so we’re both needy. Adding the third was easy.
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    Managing bedtimes?

    @kaiti 630/7
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    Managing bedtimes?

    @kaiti We wouldn’t be able to do extracurriculars during the week if I didn’t have a flexible job. Most of the stuff we do is 4-5ish. One night we don’t get home til 630 and I reheat leftovers and then straight to bed for the kids. Another day we have a 20min drive to/from swim so I pack...
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    Schedule Help!!

    @archangel330 Wow that is a lot! Can you pause on college classes for summer/fall and prioritize your health? Prioritize what housework is most important to you and just let other stuff go. Or do less frequently