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  1. C

    I am hating this 2-3 years phase - Is it just me?

    @paloma22 There were nice moments of 4 but mine just turned 5 and is going through a terrible stubborn and not listening phase that is driving me nuts. Solidarity. 2 thru 5 is hard.
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    I am hating this 2-3 years phase - Is it just me?

    @reporter94 Yes! Agreed. Wiping their own butt is a HUGE GAMECHANGER but I have to pay attention because mine has this gross tendency to "forget" to wash her hands. Also, F norovirus
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    Childless friend keeps telling me I’ll regret not having two

    @roseforchrist In the small group of parents that I got to know through a birth class while pregnant, the only 2 people who want more (one has had another, another is actively trying and battling infertility issues) are the two women in that group who have a HUGE social network of family...
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    Next level rudeness

    @stevenglo I don't go around asking people why they chose to have multiple kids. I don't make snide remarks about people's sex lives and not using contraception and ending up with 5 kids in less than 8 years (thinking about one family I know in particular). I wouldn't say anything rubbing their...
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    Final Miscarriage

    @nicholasb Writing letters to your unborn children and burning the letters to send the words to them may be a ritual that could help you find some peace, if you are open to that sort of thing. I have found comfort in that in the past.
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    Will i ever not be tired again?

    @%D0%9E%D1%80%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%9D%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0 YES! As soon as mine turned 4 its like our kid suddenly became more manageable. At 5 now and I'm enjoying 90% of parenthood. Communicative, independent, wiping her own butt was a huge burden lifted from each day. Getting her own water, snacks if...
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    When you see parents of multiples favour one over others..

    @altrechts Or maybe she isn't particularly gifted at any of these things but is interested in them and just enjoys them. It's okay for kids to do activities that they're not naturally exceptional at- skills build over time and with encouragement, its important to keep doing things that we enjoy...
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    Will i ever not be tired again?

    @charlie319 At that age when I tried to go to the zoo or a museum, my kid would find the one grassy spot in the picnic area or the like and just start twirling and being her silly self as if it were a park, with no heed or interest to the other aspects of the experience. Or I would be holding...