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    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    @jede289 Sounds like me; I turned 6 a few months into the school year but I was just considered older for my grade (in NJ, the state cut off is October 1st, and I’m November 17th). My parents had to do IVF and went through infertility so they really enjoyed having an extra year of me. I’m...
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    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    @jellofishxo Nice. That’s what I wish it was here in New York as well as all the states (I think all states should have some uniformity in that regard). Honestly if your child is a boy and if they were born in august and if they seemed delayed, I’d consider holding them back…but that’s also...
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    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    @jellofishxo What is your state’s cut off? Per New York State legal regulations (their cut off is December 1st) my daughter turns 4 next week and will start kindergarten for school year 2024-2025
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    What’s your worst part of being a one and done parent?

    @mercuryash Yea but honestly I don’t think most siblings actually entertain or play well with one another. In fact I roll my eyes whenever someone says they have another simply for a playmate
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    Baby #2 Posts

    @debbs3692 Yea once your little one is about to turn 2 you’ll get a lot of those “#2under2” posts and then another slew around the 3rd birthday with “2under3”. I think a lot of people just have easy kids/lots of extra childcare support/relatively easy pregnancy and birth so that’s why they’re...
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    Baby #2 Posts

    @jhen Actually, relatively recently the Catholic Church okayed birth control use. (Source: I went to 12 years of Catholic school>now I’m what my mom refers to as a “fallen away Catholic”)
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    How did your second child change your family dynamics? Trying to decide…

    @cookiedough7177 For sure but any time someone has a child they’re rolling the dice. 1st or 15th. Age doesn’t tend to be the main determinant.
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    How did your second child change your family dynamics? Trying to decide…

    @cookiedough7177 My mom was 38 when she finally had me (my parents went through 5 years of infertility and fertility treatments prior to that; I’m their only; I had to do 3 IVFs starting at age 29 just to have my living child). But I mean parental age is not the only factor that affects...
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    Christmas morn w/ an only?

    And sadly, my mom and some of her friends are boomers enough to still use outdated and offensive terms, so it stinks, I have to nicely correct her when she refers to an Asian person as ‘oriental,’ or community college as ‘junior college’
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    Christmas morn w/ an only?

    I was always self conscious my parents are maddddd old compared to my husband’s parents. Even when I was a preschooler I noticed it. But I guess it’s nice in some weird ways. My mom can relate old laugh in and SNL stories to me, but she doesn’t know who people like Britney Spears are. It’s an...
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    Christmas morn w/ an only?

    @humanjf Mine are. They went through 7 years of infertility to eventually have me, in their late 30s. So now they’re 72 and 73, respectively (meh-mehhhhhhhh). They’re born in the late 1940s, and I believe boomers tend to be anyone born approximately 1945-1965? Gen X is a much smaller group, and...
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    Christmas morn w/ an only?

    @rosemeka13 I’m an only and LOVED Christmas!!! But, I was also a naturally early riser until I was school-age or so. My daughter and I (2.5 and 35) not so much haha. So she’s kinda meh about Christmas too. Also, milennials tend to be a lot less consumeristic with Christmas than our baby boomer...
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    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    @dwyt Where do you live????????
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    Factors that contributed to your OAD decision

    @walid373 We are about the same. I’m 36, he’s 37, we have an almost four-year-old IVF baby girl we got after 3 transfers, our only living child, and we pay the $100/monthly storage fee to keep the remaining 2 frozen. Honestly though I’m just exhausted and tired and not sure if I want to transfer...
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    OAD by choice - when did you/your S.O. get a vasectomy?

    (I also would be thrilled and ok with it, if we ever naturally spontaneously conceived; had to do 3 IVFs and losses to have our daughter)
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    OAD by choice - when did you/your S.O. get a vasectomy?

    @bee_brian Your IUD helps your endo? I have stage IV endometriosis but I’m terrified of the cramping and pain an IUD insertion and transition may cause (I already have chainsaw-like monthly menstrual cramps since I was 10). I hear from some endo sisters the Mirena IUD has helped them, but from...
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    Factors that contributed to your OAD decision

    @calebminson Yeeeeeep. Same here.
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    I just took my first nap in months!

    @mjes Wow your school gets out next week?! In NY state they go up until 6/29 and then start up 8/31 😞
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    Help me grieve/get over this

    @danielson0101 Similar situation over here, except we haven’t quite decided yet. I’m 37F and we have 2 embryos still frozen, meanwhile our living child turns 5 in a few months. It’s so tough! Especially since my parents had to do fertility treatments to have me, and I’m their only as well (they...