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    SlEeP NoW bEfOrE tHe BaBy gEtS hErE

    @eternalsunrise The good news is time really does go by REALLY fast! The newborn phase is survival mode only - the days blur together, and before you know it you have a one year old. Then you blink again and your baby is now going to kindergarten. Time really does fly by. In the moment it feels...
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    SlEeP NoW bEfOrE tHe BaBy gEtS hErE

    @ugostrange I'm just at 5 weeks post-partum and struggling bad. I was 100% on the same page as OP with my last pregnancy, it was so horrible and I was so sick and miserable that the newborn phase was really not all that bad (from what I remember). That was 6 years ago though. Now? I'm wondering...
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    SlEeP NoW bEfOrE tHe BaBy gEtS hErE

    @kingar Oh gosh! That is always something I'm terrified of :(. This is why I won't let myself get comfortable with co-sleeping and definitely won't do it if I'm severally sleep deprived. The newborn stage is so hard though, I feel for all us moms just trying to get by
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    SlEeP NoW bEfOrE tHe BaBy gEtS hErE

    @kingar Yep. I had 2 nights in a row where he just would not sleep. I was sick to my stomach and almost delusional from lack of sleep. I was honestly nervous about my ability to care for the babe because I was soooo sleep deprived. I was able to take a really long nap while someone else watched...
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    SlEeP NoW bEfOrE tHe BaBy gEtS hErE

    @kingar I ended up doing something similar. I swore I'd never "co-sleep", but this was the only way I could get any amount of sleep. Even then, I wouldn't fall asleep with him in bed with me, but I could at least stay semi-asleep and rest and fall back asleep easier once he was done eating.