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  1. I

    I hate this place

    @bynom Honestly, $2400 only seems good compared to the original bill. I do not have $2400
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    Starting a co-sleeping tradition - once a week

    @greyareagcu We keep it pretty simple since he’s only 6 months. Food is still mostly for fun and honestly he finds sticks, grass, rocks, and trees more exciting than his toys (which we do bring). We have a big picnic blanket, a pop-up tent for shade, a folding high chair, and a baby sleeping...
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    Starting a co-sleeping tradition - once a week

    @rengb121 For our son (6months) we go on camping trips on the weekends and all sleep in our sleeping bags together. During the week, if he wakes up early before his dad and I are ready, we bring him into our bed to snuggle and he usually goes back to sleep for another hour or two. I don’t...
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    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @jesuslover20021234 I would actually say that Law Enforcement Officers (really any first responder, including firefighters and EMTs) need BOTH individual counseling and couples counseling always and forever. I come from a family of them (though they all work big city, not small town). They see...
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    Be the Lame One

    @celise My mom did this with me. If I called and said that “I left a light on in the closet” she would make up an excuse for me to leave. I only had to use it on a couple of occasions but I was so thankful we had the system in place