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  1. L

    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @pkhaney Wow I think it’s amazing that he has this much insight on his own emotions. His job has a high burnout rate. He sounds like he may even have some postpartum depression/anxiety himself. Can you guys hire a baby sitter so you can connect as a couple once in a while? I know it seems hard...
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    Co sleep with 2 year old and newly pregnant. I’m terrified for the future

    @riverthorn I had the same fear. I was intent on having my newborn in the bedside bassinet co-sleeper for longer than my firstborn (he only made it about 3 months before I had to bring him in bed so we could get some real rest), so that we could all co sleep a bit more safely. Well, she ended up...
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    Newborn has trouble sleeping in bassinet so we tried bedsharing last night and it worked but we're still worried

    @selja I’ve been sleeping w my baby since her first week, but I still prefer her to sleep in side car bassinet because toddler still sleeps w me in bed too. Sometimes I put a heating pad in and then take it out right before I put baby in. Works well.
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    Baby is waking up every 30 minutes at night

    @paprikka I would try the jay Gordon night weaning method for cosleeping families. I have used it successfully with both my kids. Your daughter is definitely younger than the recommended age, but your milk will likely dry up in a month or two anyway, so you might as well try. Good luck and...
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    Daddy sleeping in

    @nessofonett05 The negotiations should take place before baby no 2 joins the family. Tensions will be high when you are both sleep deprived. If he drinks or smokes I think that really contributes - if he could quit it would make a big impact. Also, the cpap machine does really help.