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  1. R

    Help! I'm stressing my wife out

    @smwatoa I get it. You’re a new dad and she is 100% of your world right now. You want the ABSOLUTE best for her. Your opinion of what’s best isn’t an option, so you go to the next best thing. Thank God for formula, otherwise this baby wouldn’t be able to eat ANYTHING. Count your blessings, head...
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    My 4 year old just put my 2 year old down for a nap AMA

    @divices Please right a book for us oh Great One. My first just turned 3 and my Second is due in a month or so.
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    Brothers are 4.5 years apart

    @royalblue are you joking? bin em up, in a year you will be so glad you did
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    Help! I'm stressing my wife out

    @smwatoa I have a feeling you get into a lot of disagreements when things aren’t exactly the way you want. Big part of being a Dad is doing the best you can with what you’ve got.
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    2yo + 6 week old + wife with a tumor in her leg

    @redpanda I’ve got an almost 4 year old. An 8 month old. And my wife just developed some back problems this week. And we’re moving. I feel you man. Although comparison is the thief of joy, I sometimes have to realize how good I have it, I think about people raising families in difficult...
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    My 4 year old just put my 2 year old down for a nap AMA

    @jayne Lollllllll ok you get an award
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    My 4 year old just put my 2 year old down for a nap AMA

    @jayne Enjoy a week ad free and make sure to spend the coins