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  1. S

    My kids (5, 7) just left for a 6-day vacation with my husband, why can't I stop crying

    @leadbyexample12 I went on a holiday with my mum and sister to NYC (I'm from the UK) last year and left my 18mth daughter with my husband/her dad. I cried the whole way to the airport. I felt like I couldn't breathe, like something was going to HAPPEN to her while I was on the flight and not...
  2. S

    He left us

    @jnb2 What a, prick. If the car is in your name text him and tell him to return the car by the end of tomorrow or you will report it as stolen to the police and give them his address. Its your car not his he can give it back now. If he references "being armed" then immediately report him to the...