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    How do you do it

    @conndog Thank you so much for the encouragement! I really appreciate it ♥️
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    How do you do it

    @specialteachtoo Lmao this made me smile so hard! I needed that, thank you! Remember, what goes up must come down lol you got this 😉😜
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    How do you do it

    @specialteachtoo Good for you and good luck! “Me time” is definitely necessary lol. I think that’s what I’ll end up trying too!
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    How do you do it

    @katrina2017 Thank you! I will check this out in my area!
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    How do you do it

    @malik58 Omg that’s also great advice. You truly never know. I would be devastated if that happened to me, my girl is my life. This is definitely something I will do. Thank you
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    How do you do it

    @malik58 I think the gym with childcare is what I’ll try. Her dad will pick her up from school and have her a couple of hours on the weekend but I think she’ll end up being with me most nights. I can’t live near work because the area I work in is 2-3x more expensive than where I live now, but...
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    How do you do it

    @serab83 There’s a gym that offers childcare near me, lifetime is too expensive and I won’t qualify for low income subsidies but this gym is affordable (thankfully) so I think that’s what I’ll try. Thank you!
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    How do you do it

    @priestrs05 Thank you so much for your support! I really appreciate it!
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    How do you do it

    @benidict Yes I am! I think this will be my best option and it’s what I will try! Thank you!
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    How do you do it

    @katrina2017 Thank you so much for your response. Luckily, I do have some support but not a lot. I will just have to work it out with my employer if something happens and I have to have my daughter with me at work. Hopefully they’d be understanding. This is new for me so I know there will be a...
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    How do you do it

    @hitokage You’re right. As long as you keep trying and don’t give up, one day something will stick. I hope your health improves this coming year and you get where you want/need to be! We can never stop trying! Women are so strong and our kids see everything we do. You got this mama ♥️
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    How do you do it

    @lewistoles Thanks mama. Hang in there and keep up the great work ♥️
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    How do you do it

    @m32s I think that’s what I’ll end up doing! Thank you for the suggestion!
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    How do you do it

    @sonata17 I’m sorry mama. In case no one has told you lately, you’re doing great. Keep up the good work. And that’s what I’m telling myself too, she’ll be older one day and it’ll be easier. Unfortunately, I was basically doing everything on my own even when I was with her dad, so I think it’ll...
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    How do you do it

    @devastated Yeah, but Lifetime is like over $200/month lol. A little out of my budget I think but I believe another facility has a kids corner too for a lot less. Thank you for the idea though!
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    How do you do it

    @rimmy That’s a great idea! Thank you! And yes, it’s absolutely necessary.
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    How do you do it

    @anthonyprice Thank you so much for the supportive response. I think that taking it a day at a time and trying not to overthink it is the best way to approach this. I have to calm myself down lol.
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    How do you do it

    @monoxidial Yes, you’re right. Many mamas in many situations deal with these issues. Thank you so much for your support and kindness! I really appreciate it!
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    How do you do it

    @monoxidial These are all great ideas. I work in healthcare so lunchtime isn’t always possible but I think a mixture of the ideas you proposed will make it possible! Thank you!
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    How do you do it

    @oswald3%C3%A1 Thank you so much! Your support is really appreciated. Happy holidays to you too! ♥️