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  1. L

    How do you do it

    @ashastrio Great ideas! I need to network more and make friends lol, all of my friends are out of state and it’s been hard to find friends here that don’t want to party all the time 🤦‍♀️ plus I’ve been so busy it’s hard to maintain new friendships. But I’m going to try. And a treadmill or home...
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    How do you do it

    @sweetsadie I don’t think you fully comprehend what my post said. Nothing about what I wrote said I’m trying to fit my old schedule into a new situation. That was the entire point of the post; to find NEW ways to maintain my CURRENT habits.
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    How do you do it

    @fueledbyfaith It’s a long story. Nothing like cheating or abuse (thankfully) but the same issues over and over. I don’t want to reconcile. As upsetting as it is and as unfortunate it is because there’s a child involved, it’s better this way.
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    How do you do it

    @scolastica I’m sorry your situation is so tough. I know that I’m lucky to have her dad involved and I’m sorry everything has been 100% on you without support. I know every situation is different, and I can understand the frustration that I sense from your comment, but I want to do everything I...
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    How do you do it

    @johnnyreno13 Thank you so much for your thoughtful response! And for the helpful advice. I appreciate it more than you know. It’s very stressful thinking about everything and I appreciate the support!
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    How do you do it

    @katrina2017 Thank you so much ♥️
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    How do you do it

    @katrina2017 Thank you so much. I won’t let anyone make me feel guilty about taking care of myself lol. I don’t know why some people look down on moms who are concerned about self care, but it makes me happier and healthier, which benefits my daughter! I think I do have a gym with childcare in...
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    How do you do it

    @katrina2017 Funny how you comment a bunch of bullsh*t and then delete your comments immediately lol. You most definitely ARE miserable, that’s clear. You may have worked it out with your wife, but you’re clearly not happy or you’d be supportive instead of demeaning. Not everyone has a situation...
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    How do you do it

    @katrina2017 Lmao this comment is not it. You sound very bitter, like someone who has personally stayed in an unhappy relationship “for your kids”. Staying in an unhappy relationship will do nothing to make life better for your kids, actually, studies have shown that that type of situation makes...
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    How do you do it

    @katrina2017 Your comment history confirms your delusional mindset. Just because I used the work “panicking” in my post, doesn’t mean I’m “panicky”. YOU foolishly don’t know my circumstances or what life would be like if we STAY together. Continue on with your miserable life but stop trying to...
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    How do you do it

    @cuddlybear Not the place for this buddy. The last thing women here are looking for is another headache and time commitment
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    How do you do it

    Advice pleaseeeeeee 🙏
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    How do you do it

    @horsezgirl Thank you so much! Your support, encouragement, and suggestions are so appreciated!
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    How do you do it

    @drumaddict57 lol I’m sure their immunity skyrocketed but I feel like that happened to my kid when she started kindergarten too 😂 that’s actually what I think I’ll end up doing! Thank you!
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    How do you do it

    @aja You are absolutely right. Thank you so much for your kind comment and support
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    How do you do it

    @adobo2 Thank you so much mama! You’re doing great too! I really appreciate your support
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    How do you do it

    @chrissiems Thank you for this
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    How do you do it

    @zackblue456 Aww, you made it special for them and that’s all that matters!
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    How do you do it

    @zackblue456 Thank you so much for your reply. My gosh I’m in awe of you! You’re doing a great job mama! Thank you for the inspiration ♥️
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    How do you do it

    @sunny7day Thanks for the advice! You’re doing great mama (in case no one has told you lately). Keep up the good work ♥️