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    I think I made a core memory with my daughter last night

    @berk60 Major dad-points there, dude. Thank god you recognized a moment to indulge her curious mind and made a special daddy/daughter instant in time she will always treasure.
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    U.K. School Incident - how serious is this?

    @freddie11 Call the police directly yourself that is assault 99% chance the school will do nothing unless you take it into your own hands & don’t wait for it to happen again
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    i don’t wanna pump anymore

    @brandon_d I’m pregnant and I don’t have kids yet, so take my comments with a grain of salt, but I am planning to combo feed if possible. Breast feeding and pumping seems so hard and I think being able to rely on formula sometimes will help me to cope a lot more.
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    Shared in my wife's FB Mom's Group

    @mizm Truth
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    Dog nipped baby (X-posted)

    @agilefeet Stay in the hotel room and ask them to keep the dog up when you visit or you won’t visit. This is very serious and shouldn’t be brushed under the rug to avoid awkwardness. If anyone should feel awkward, it should be them for having a dog that attacks a newborn unprovoked.
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    Doctors think my 1 year old has type 2 herpes. I’m at a loss

    @hakoa One of my friends, got a horrific staph infection (as an adult) in several areas of her body including the genital region. First doctor she saw was CERTAIN it was herpes, but there was no possibility it could have been. After tests, it was staph.
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @rachele14 I work from home 100% of the time. I’m going to have a baby and will be using daycare. I prefer to WFH. I have to think critically in my job and co workers are a distraction.
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    How do you do it

    @lisa79 Some gyms have daycare
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    Another mom told me I have a fat a** today

    @sakura656 I think I’d have laughed. Mainly as the vision of my fat ass just bouncing kids all over the place like a bouncy castle like some weird cartoon. I do have a fat ass and am very aware of how large I am. Larger people like myself know we’re large and I for one am so careful not to take...
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    It’s been 2 years... & I wish I could go back

    Lol agreed. I would much rather be a single parent in Canada than America. You get a lot of support here through the government as well as privately
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    If your Kid were a straight-A student but also skipped school 2-3 days a week, what would you do?

    @godblessed777 Where are they going when skipping school? That would be my concern. When my kid is in school I know where they are and they are looked after by people who would report to me if something happened to them. If they’re out and about, there’s no guarantee for their safety
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    @semiprecious 2 would be too many for me, so I have 1. The idea that someone else thinks they can dictate to you how many is “too many” for you is bullshit, especially when it clearly isn’t too many as they’re all doing so well. Just because that dick bag can’t imagine being able to raise 7...
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    Anyone else want to go back to 1992 when every single grade didn’t have a “graduation” ceremony?

    @monkeym24 I don't have school-age kids yet, but I've started to notice this too just on social media. Like do they really need a Kindergarten graduation, when they literally just had a Pre-K graduation the year before?? And are they really "graduating" when they're just moving up to a new...
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    Called 9-11 on daughter

    @jar1437 No one should be mad at you. Your partner needs to check themselves. You did what you thought was best and frankly the system has failed parents in your situation.
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    Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

    @christopher000 I’m sorry, I typically wouldn’t tell you to ignore your child’s doctor but on this one I’m gonna recommend that you do. Feed that baby as much as you and baby want.
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    How to support a gifted child?

    @aegisheart My son is gifted. You’ve gotten good advice here. One thing I’ll add… Perfectionism is a big issue with these kids. Because things come easy to them, they really struggle with the concept of struggling. It feels like a threat to their identity and they tend to quit or try to avoid...
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    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @bondo What’s your child’s diet? May want to give the cherry juice and water near bedtime and no sugar after 3PM.
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    It’s been 2 years... & I wish I could go back

    @carrye4christ at least you get to be Canadian
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    What’s the dumbest thing anyone ever said to you as a twin parent?

    @maylicia I hope the judge tore your (I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say "male") OC a new one.