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    Dads breaking generational abuse, how do you discipline your kids?

    @utay62 I was turned on to 1-2-3 magic and it led to some pretty drastic changes in behavior/discipline for me and my kids.
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    I’m broken beyond repair

    @trojie I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Sending so much love to you and your family.
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    Top 5 things you’d recommend

    @allisonintx Eliminate all animal products from your meals and cosmetics. Oh yes y'all can say anything you want, downvote, or get mad and it won't change the truth! Nothing more carcinogenic, unhealthy, and bad for the planet than eating animals. I mean that's it for me, that's how granola we...
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    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    @edwina958 MVAs are the leading cause of death for kids the in US. I’m sure you still have your kid in the car. My point is I don’t think covid is really something you can rationally worry about with kids all that much. That being said parenthood makes many of us irrational and we want to...
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    Son broke up with his girlfriend because she was too “freaky”

    @jaxsn Wow, good on him. 13 is way too young for that IMO, and I can remember being a horny teen. I feel bad for her parents though. My daughter is 13 now and I can’t imagine her doing that.
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    Do you think she's hungry? (Rant)

    @luv100 Haha and 6 month down the line, still happens 😂 It will always happen. Good luck with patience! I purposely feed mine before I go anywhere so he's definitely NOT hungry and I enjoy giving a stern NOPE if someone suggests he's hungry. It also bugs me when he pulls a face and everyone...
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    Do you think she's hungry? (Rant)

    @luv100 Oh wow, I’ve never heard of being allergic to lanolin. My LC just kind of threw it at me from day one haha
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    How do you manage grocery requests?

    @joeawilliams123 Oh if she’s 19 then I wouldn’t worry one bit! She can get a job and pay for the finest cheeses and teas ;)
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    The Final Straw w/ Husband

    @bigred009 This is a kneeslapper if I've ever read one.
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    @semiprecious Omg lady the shit you have going on in your life. Just rage vomit on every asshole like this rude enough to take your attention off of the kids. This asshole deserves it and you deserve every creature comfort whenever you want for the rest of your life.
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    How did my mom do it

    @j2019 I 10000% agree with the person who brought up overstimulation and constant information and instant gratification. Obviously not a popular thing to say on a social media app, but it’s a 180 in terms of my energy levels on the days I’m on my phone a ton vs the days I have only 30 min of non...
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    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    @jellofishxo My July kiddo started when she was 5. She’s just finishing up and she’s totally ready for first grade. She was in preschool at age 3 and pre-k at age 4. I felt like that really laid a foundation for her to be prepared for kindergarten. Her pre-k teacher also did formal kindergarten...
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    For those who have weaned before.

    @vl32 I felt sad that my baby was getting bigger but honestly thr feeling of giddy liberation was more powerful lol
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    Pregnancy pillows are overrated

    @hoop I feel ya! It’s nice to have, but, it doesn’t help if you have to get up to pee every 30minutes lol also, I have an old injury to my neck (minor fracture from ‘09), and I use a special pillow. The pregnancy pillow doesn’t offer the support to my neck that I need, and it’s entirely too big...
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    Should I let my kids walk home by themselves ?

    @mrscott1026 I personally would not with all the creeps in the world rn
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    Does anyone else’s kid survive on snacks and snacks only?

    @jhaniman Sean Connery has entered the chat.
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    People who “diagnose” themselves with fertility issues before they even start trying

    @manitouscott I also was sort of one of these people. Basically it was always a fear in my head that I regularly talked to my husband about. My family seems to span between being unicorns (1 -3 cycles) or infertile( >4+ years with multiple rounds of IVF) without much in-between. Edit: the fear...
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    Are sleepovers at Grandparents normal for children 1 - 2 years old

    @jackstack I don’t understand why she thinks it’s uncommon. If you have a grandparent whose willing you should jump at the chance. Besides, some of my best childhood memories is when I would sleep over at my grandparents house. My parents would watch my kiddo for an entire weekend and she loved...
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    One and done because my partner will never carry the same mental and physical load when it comes to taking care of this child

    @mmtb34 I mean it's easier said than done. Divorce is expensive and time consuming, I personally wouldn't be able to do it during my kid's first year of life, especially if my spouse wasn't helping out with the baby, and I'm a former divorce attorney. Hopefully OP will get out when she can.