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    Does anyone else’s kid survive on snacks and snacks only?

    @ruanddrew frankly, I would be more surprised if there were children out there who DIDNT snack. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE??
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    Pediatrician said baby sleep is abnormal

    @nserchoftruth My baby is about to be 9 months and I don’t think she’s ever fully slept through the night. There are some nights where she only wakes 1-3 times and others where she wakes more often. Potentially during sleep “regressions” or teething pain. I am home with her all day and she naps...
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    I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

    @jolene576 I assume that the surgery is delayed because of limited beds due to covid?
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    Called 9-11 on daughter

    @jar1437 Hi I struggled with an eating disorder my whole teenage years and now I’m a mom, trying to be another mom I wish my parents actually forced me into treatment early… instead they tried to handle it on their own. Don’t be afraid to look into inpatient programs
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    @semiprecious I lowkey love you mama. I think you're amazing xoxoxo.
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    Should I let my kids walk home by themselves ?

    @mrscott1026 Yes let them walk. If your partner is against it they can be the ones to do all the pickups drop offs, it is that simple.
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    Does anyone else have their newborn live in onesies 24/7?

    @healihealiheal lol yes my six month old still lives in them. it annoys my mom so much. we are kind of transitioning out of them now just because he's practicing standing so much more and the bottoms are slippery. but seriously, he's spent his whole life in old navy zipper onesies ;)
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    I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

    @jolene576 Abort! Abort!
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    It’s been 2 years... & I wish I could go back

    @carrye4christ Welcome from a fellow Canadian! 😁 I hope Canada treats you well. I definitely agree with the comments here. It's really sweet that his family treats you well and is letting you live with them. I'd absolutely recommend that you set yourself up to be on your own asap though! I just...
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    Help. I don't know what to do..

    @fluxie U have your answer :-)
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    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    @edwina958 We take moderate precautions and will continue to do so until our 11 month old can get vaccinated. We try to balance our risk tolerance with our mental health when deciding what to do. We send her to daycare because we both work outside the home, we take her in stores sometimes since...
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    I don’t want parenting advice from someone who doesn’t put their 2 year old in a car seat

    @batman21 Wow that lady is pretty dumb, her poor kids! She's incredibly lucky that nothing happened to her kid!
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    How DH “does the laundry”

    @lil_sisa My husband is a smart man who understands spatial reasoning but loads the dishwasher like a blind drunk chimpanzee.
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    One and done because my partner will never carry the same mental and physical load when it comes to taking care of this child

    @kerithravine410 Same And being told “this is what you signed up for” when I express my utter exhaustion It makes me sad because I wanted more than 1
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    Help. I don't know what to do..

    @fluxie What does your heart say about the situation - dm
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    I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

    @jolene576 Eat some dates while you bang and your husband rubs your nips. It's worth a shot. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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    Are we the only ones struggling financially?

    @sunflower232 Yes. I’ve been lucky enough to work as needed because of daycare costs but we’re also in the boat of “if it isn’t one thing it’s another”. Husband’s tire popped on the interstate, $600 later for two replacements. My tires were bald (60k miles), another $600. Dog had a seizure and...
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    Why do other people care so much about what I feed my baby?!

    @lolasode This video is the absolute best thing I’ve ever seen about the formula vs breastfeeding debate. He also links a crap ton of sources in the description. My honest opinion about the crazy breastfeeding moms? There’s different types: The moms that absolutely hated it but were guilted...
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    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

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    Is OAD becoming more common in part because parenting is harder now?

    @mikecrb House prices are nuts here in australia. My parents bought a house for 80k when I was a kid. Im in my 30s and now live in a far cheaper area than that house, and our house is worth 700k here. Old and small run down house. Its part of why I wouldnt have more kids, because I cant work...