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  1. D

    Dr says I’m overfeeding

    @glen101 Is your baby getting breastmilk or formula or a combo? Breastmilk you generally don’t need as much volume because it’s tailored to your baby in the stage they’re in. Formula you consistently go up in volume as they age. It IS possible to overfeed a baby, and I think it happens more than...
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    So am I just never going to wear a “normal bra” again until I’m done?

    @cuteness20 Honestly I’ve tried a few nursing bras and have hated them. I just use my regular style bras (light padding with underwire) and lift my boob out of it when I need to nurse.
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    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    @happilyretired Eat it. Take whatever you can keep down lol
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    Can I/should I ask NICU not to give my baby formula if we have enough EBM?

    @imchad You can absolutely say no. My son was born at 39 weeks gestation, but has a severe cardiac abnormality so we spent a LOT of time in the NICU/PICU. I felt so bullied into formula. They kept blaming my breastmilk for his bloody poops. It was the formula. We’re home now and I stopped...
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    I need help - baby is not gaining weight

    @apa Okay so from your post, it looks like slow weight gain, not that she’s entirely stopped growing? Has she had any other known health issues? Have you done weighted feeds? If you do a weighted feed and that comes back alright, I’d ask for a genetics test to see if there’s anything underlying...
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    I want to be pregnant next year but don't know what month to give birth

    @joybubble It’s really just rolling the dice on when you get pregnant. I got pregnant our first time having unprotected sex with our first baby. Then we had a surprise baby (miscarriage) 15 months later, despite protection. After the bleeding from the miscarriage stopped, we decided to go...