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  1. I

    Christmas morn w/ an only?

    @rosemeka13 Definitely dependent. I'm the second oldest of five. I love Christmas - always have. December is a bit of a tragic month for me (family deaths, friends deaths), but Christmas Day has always been my favourite day. As a kid, I never could sleep on Christmas Eve, I'd be waiting on...
  2. I

    If you could turn back time, would you still have a child?

    @fudge No I wouldn't. I love my daughter so, so much but this is difficult. She's four. Pregnancy was horrible, I had hyperemesis (took a couple of my teeth), I was alone (TW: non-consensual conception), she was born with clubfoot so full leg casts for years, bedtime equipment, several...
  3. I

    Anybody else feel like a bit of a failure?

    @ladyknox Women are taught from toddlerhood to be caregivers. We give our daughters baby dolls with prams, pretend nappies/bottles, high chairs and fake food. Babysitting is usually one of the first paying "jobs" women have - in their early-mid teen years. Daughters are usually the ones to...