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  1. J

    When did you stop tracking everything for baby (e.g., nursing sessions, wet/soiled diapers, sleep duration, etc.)?

    @christiangirl94 I got a journal for tracking this stuff from my birth clinic and it went up to approx 6 months so I did until then. I stopped about a week early because she chewed up the last couple pages lol. It’s kinda chill not having to track that stuff anymore though.
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    Confused about sleep and formula

    @nader1 Anecdotal but for the first month or so of my baby’s life I would sometimes “give in” and give her formula before bed because the witching hour/cluster feeding would drive me crazy and make me doubt myself. Even with giving her formula before bed she would still be upset and not sleep...
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    Mom's who had C-sections and have 2 under 2... or 3 or 4

    @markrhoward Women who have vaginal births are also Supposed to wait either 12-18 months to conceive again. Even if they didn’t, like you said, life isn’t fair. It doesn’t matter if it’s fair, it matters what’s healthy for your body and what will leave you alive for the child you do have, and...
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    Daycare is NOT associated with behavior problems in 10,000+ children across 5 countries

    @jdthcstl They’re saying that low income kids in daycare vs not in daycare and high income kids in daycare vs not in daycare have no significant difference in rate of behavioral issues. Not that there’s no difference with low and high income in general. Just that within those groups the daycare...
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    Close Before You Doze!

    @adrienne Closed but not LOCKED. What if the fire starts in the toddlers room? What if you’re passed out from the smoke and your kid is locked in their room? That’s insane to lock their door.
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    TIL It’s ok to have a drink or 2 and breastfeed! No need to pump and dump! 😊

    @sherryamber I felt bad at first but not anymore now that I know all the information and science behind it better. I’ve even drank a glass of wine while breastfeeding
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    Egg allergy that gets worse before it gets better?

    @xvcxcewer My daughter was also tested around 7 months after she had a reaction shortly after starting BLW, and then we tested her again shortly afterwards at maybe 10-11 months before she entered daycare. I remember it did show as a more severe allergy the second time. She had a reaction again...