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  1. T

    6-8 Week Hell

    @lovemyangel Thank you so much for this and sharing where you’re at now! A few days ago we tried to salvage a nap and he slept on his own afterwards for nearly 3 hours, that one boon in a sea of crappy sleep.
  2. T

    6-8 Week Hell

    @amcleaning Let me know how it goes when you’re out! I’m rooting for you and your LO!
  3. T

    6-8 Week Hell

    @amcleaning Solidarity! How old is your LO?
  4. T

    6-8 Week Hell

    @ffd213 That is currently us rn. Our LO seems to not like the sleep sack that comes with the SNOO (not snug enough I guess?). We just got it because we’re desperate lol. It may be that he hates his arms being pinned down when swaddled cuz he doesn’t calm down after being swaddled. Day naps in...
  5. T

    6-8 Week Hell

    We are in week 7. Our LO’s sleep I feel I progressively getting worse (if that’s even possible). Prior to week 6, independent naps were about 40-50 minutes with an occasional 1.5-3 hour. Nights 3-3 hour stretches. Since week 6 we don’t know what the hell to expect when we put him down. We follow...