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  1. I

    If you could turn back time, would you still have a child?

    @theprayerpeople God that microscope thing is SO RELATABLE. Everything I do feels analyzed and watched by everyone around and I'm constantly freaking out I'm handling a situation or meltdown wrong.
  2. I

    Why isn’t this particular risk of back to back pregnancies ever discussed?

    @johard59 Same with my cousin, her kids are 11 months apart
  3. I

    If you could turn back time, would you still have a child?

    @fudge Nope, I wouldn't. I love my son but I seriously regret it. I was lonely in my relationship and didn't know what path my life should take after finishing my two degrees and I just defaulted to what everyone around me did, had a kid. Husband would have happily been child free, he regrets...