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  1. F

    What’s the game plan today for my 4 y/o?

    @elitecheapjersey I’m glad, each kid is different. You always know best how they’ll do in certain circumstances
  2. F

    What’s the game plan today for my 4 y/o?

    @elitecheapjersey I will admit I say this having only a 6MO but had similar experiences w/ my wife’s younger sister who I’ve essentially been helping raise since she was 1
  3. F

    What’s the game plan today for my 4 y/o?

    @elitecheapjersey He’ll prolly raise hell at daycare, my reco would be to keep him home. You never know when he’s gonna hit the wall EDIT: Holy crap, excuse me for thinking worse case scenario
  4. F

    Solo-dadding for 3 days while wife is gone, and just took it from a 0/10 night to a 10/10 morning

    @chriscb I was worried for how this would end but was happy to be surprised Glad it all worked out, also definitely calling my 6 MO a gremlin lol