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  1. L

    Pro-Birth v Pro-Life

    @caitlin111 I just think we should be doing more before it gets to that point, making sure that people are properly educated and not ever encouraged, and that something needs to be done about people repeatedly going in for abortions. They aren’t candy pills, they take a life, and are also not...
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    Pro-Birth v Pro-Life

    @faithgracegirl What is a consequence of sex then? 😂 what naturally comes from sperm meeting an egg?
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    Pro-Birth v Pro-Life

    @katrina2017 I mean my aunt got her tubes tied last year with no kids at 22 years old. You just have to find a decent doctor who isn’t an idiot.
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    Pro-Birth v Pro-Life

    @robertwigfid Well here’s the thing. You can only have one baby in a year. So… the other five, wouldn’t have been in existence had she kept the first. So no. I meant the child. I don’t think she’d be so careless after the first labor experience.
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    Pro-Birth v Pro-Life

    @robertwigfid I think giving the child a chance to have a life is the better option for sure. Instead of ending a life because of your own selfishness. Especially when you have people in your life who are willing to take the child in and help you.
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    Pro-Birth v Pro-Life

    @ryandog It’s a girl I lived in foster care with for three years, so basically my system sister. We are very close but I’ve told her multiple times I can’t stand for her taking away a life she continues to create and partake in making. We haven’t spoke since she asked ME to drive her to her last...
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    Pro-Birth v Pro-Life

    @ryandog Are you forgetful? You literally just told me to adopt the next one 🤡 how tf would anything be “under the table?” Do you know anything about adoption? It’s a long expensive court process. Nothing under the table about it. It’s standard to pay for medical treatment of mother and child...
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    Pro-Birth v Pro-Life

    @crismate88 What? I literally said I offered 🤡🤡 y’all so desperately want to make me look like a bad guy because I don’t support murder in any form 😂💅
  9. L

    Pro-Birth v Pro-Life

    @ryandog Everytime I have heard she was pregnant I have offered to pay for her prenatal care, she could live with me and I’d feed her, let her do whatever she wants and stay at my house in her own room, and I’d pay for the birth and her after care. She flat out refused and said she’s not ruining...
  10. L

    Pro-Birth v Pro-Life

    @robertwigfid I do think it makes her a horrible person. Yes.
  11. L

    Pro-Birth v Pro-Life

    @jacobh2 I mean personally, I’d get fixed if I couldn’t reliably use birth control and didn’t want kinds. So if I had six opps in a year, and I killed them all, yes thatd make me a horrible person.
  12. L

    Pro-Birth v Pro-Life

    @ryandog I am not sure if I am pro life, but I don’t support abortions as a first line defense against pregnancy. Now if you’re very young, have been raped, your baby will kill you or it will die regardless and you know 100% that it will, I understand. However, if you just are irresponsible...