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    6 week old absolutely inconsolable unless he’s eating or sleeping.

    @hiskingdomconsul I know, I was watching her eyelids like a hawk and I could see how hard she was trying to keep them open! 😂 she finally went down at 5 and woke up at 9:40 so I managed to at least sleep for 4.5 hrs. Never thought I’d feel so “rested” after only sleeping 4.5 hrs but that stretch...
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    6 week old absolutely inconsolable unless he’s eating or sleeping.

    @gtasoldier Solidarity. Writing this at 5 am after spending 6 hours trying to get my 7 week old to go down for the night. So much crying and fussiness. Every time we thought she was done, she started up again, fighting sleep. Can’t wait for this “regression” to pass. 😭