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  1. G

    13 y/o giving his number out against my wishes

    @misterw I was literally talking about a comment of watching the kids at the park. If I’m allowing my child to go to the park unsupervised, I would feel odd that a parent didn’t trust their kid enough and then I would feel like that parent would think that they needed to watch my kid and then my...
  2. G

    13 y/o giving his number out against my wishes

    @susanpath32 I do not believe that middle schoolers are young kids, I find that kids near independence in levels so before they’re able to drive at 16 or 17 and can go anywhere they want no matter what they tell you and do anything they want practicing being out in public when I’m picking them...
  3. G

    13 y/o giving his number out against my wishes

    @misterw I would give one warning don’t be alarmed if the girl’s parents laugh at you for suggesting them watching them at the park or if they feel uncomfortable if you do it. I wouldn’t encourage my son hang out with someone who parents needed to hover or don’t trust them.
  4. G

    When will Americans finally not care that I cosleep?

    @i_believe 2 is the age But I’ve done pretty much what you’ve been doing. The only time I’m really insistent that I get her back in bed is if I’ve drank that day at any point or taken any medication that might be considered sedating like Benadryl.