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  1. K

    On a first-name basis with 2-yo

    @stop_cern_idea My daughter call feminine things Mama and masculine things Dada. With flashcards she can name all them very well but she sees the cow she says Mama! Lol it's so dang cute I just can't take offense.
  2. K

    How do you approach the stupidity that is Daylights Savings Time?

    @robaya I've released any expectations with nap/bedtimes. I believe they call it Possum approach. It's a non stressful way of life for us. When she's ready she naps whenever and wherever. I totally understand people with work schedules need structure, but I'm a SAHM and have complete freedom. I...
  3. K

    The moment you realize you’ve made it is when your baby will have the dad you didn’t

    @garry25 I myself have a awesome Dad. But my boyfriend's first memories are seeing his Mom get slapped around by his Dad and getting arrested. Then step dad was an abusive bipolar a-hole til he was a teen. It makes me sad, but it made him who he is. And that he is the most hands-on, fully...