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  1. N

    WIBTA for not wanting more kids/suggesting that one of us gets “fixed”?

    @musicoceanview34 I’m so glad you’re getting help! You deserve to feel better. I hope that the help helps. It sounds like your birth might have been traumatic. It’s so scary when emergencies occur during labor. My own birth was complicated. I won’t get into the details of it but in the months...
  2. N

    WIBTA for not wanting more kids/suggesting that one of us gets “fixed”?

    @musicoceanview34 There’s a lot here. For starters, you’re NTAH. A child is something you both need to be on board with. If 1 person is saying no, it’s a no. You’re on birth control so I’m not sure I understand why you’re getting plan b? If taken properly birth control is very effective. Not...
  3. N

    Need encouragement… Dr wants me to stop BF, close to failure to thrive, slow gain

    @kars I'm sorry, but this seems like it's above Reddit's paygrade. Weight issues can be serious and I recommend you follow the advice of the trained medical professional. They are recommending this so that they can tell how much baby is taking in, which seems perfectly reasonable when there have...