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  1. E

    Anyone in constant state of disbelief or shock that it's taking this long?

    @galpal070 That’s great! Low AMH does not mean a person can’t get pregnant, it may just mean the window to conceive is slightly shorter. A lot of women do conceive even with lower AMH levels.
  2. E

    Anyone in constant state of disbelief or shock that it's taking this long?

    @galpal070 IUI doesn’t have better success rates than IVF typically but from my understanding those with diminished ovarian reserve (which isn’t diagnosed from AMH alone, doctors typically also look at that alongside FSH and AFC….though at .006 it is likely) do not respond as well to meds which...
  3. E

    Anyone in constant state of disbelief or shock that it's taking this long?

    @galpal070 Hey there, what is your AMH? Not a doctor, but here’s my story. At 31 mine was .57 and .67 earlier this year, with a slight vitamin D deficiency. I saw one RE who pretty much told me my time was running short and I needed to do IUI immediately and said she probably wouldn’t even...
  4. E

    Anyone in constant state of disbelief or shock that it's taking this long?

    @drobbyb Cycle 14 here, 11dpo and got a bfn. Had all the tests done and got slapped with the “unexplained” diagnosis. I totally relate to all your feelings. I honestly can’t even picture seeing a second line on a pregnancy test at this point.