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  1. N

    Should I let my kids walk home by themselves ?

    Also give them a safe word to make sure they know if someone approaches them claiming to be there because a parent sent them they then know not to go with if they dont say the word/phrase.
  2. N

    Should I let my kids walk home by themselves ?

    @mrscott1026 I have a 9 yr old that started coming home alone. To feel better I got her a Gizmo watch. Also if possible she takes her scooter so she gets home a little faster. She gets dropped off in the morning so the scooter is easy to go with her.
  3. N

    I missed another first and I’m really sad about it

    @dezzy Not sure if this is an everywhere thing. But, mine has events called Touch A Truck. They will have all different kinds of "trucks" in a large parking lot. First responsponder trucks and work type trucks. Kids get to visit with the people that drive them and they let them get inside.