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  1. D

    Setting up a routine isn’t a priority right now

    @terrastorm So we have an almost 3 month old… and we don’t have a set routine yet either. Hes reflux and colic so getting him to bed is a challenge. Generally hes in bed somewhere between 7-9…What worked a few days ago doesn’t work tonight. It’s a total crap shoot.
  2. D

    How do I emotionally survive my 4 mo’s shots?

    @davidschmitt We have a reflux and colic four month old. We are about to get shots in a few weeks. There are days where he cries at the same level as getting shots at 2 months, so honestly, no preparation really. He’s on medication now which seems to help so I am a little nervous as to how...
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    Y’all, it’s not our fault

    @upon_this_rock Amen sister! We have the snoo and everyone was like its a miracle machine! … Bullshit, it maybe helps slightly for our colic/reflux 12 week old. He sleeps the same it its on or off. We have tried all the things. Drowsy but awake is a fucking joke. I did taking cara babies...