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  1. B

    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @swskehwmbewagor61 Thank you, yeah at that point gosh what a nightmare idk what we would do. I think it may be 20 or something here in California (not going to look it up rn sorry), which is still a big deal. Here's to just staying healthy and hoping for the best.
  2. B

    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @leeannebuwa Jeez yeah nerve-wracking, sorry for that experience. I'm glad it worked out, seems to be a fair amount of those relief stories which is hopeful.
  3. B

    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @katrina2017 I don't really know what any of that means yet but I'll start looking into it, thank you. Glad it worked out for you guys as well. I have a first 'genetic counseling' appt next week and then I think blood testing and ultrasound at ~12 weeks in March. I do want to stay ahead of it...
  4. B

    4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

    @swskehwmbewagor61 Cool, thanks for sharing. I'm really worried about that stuff and we agreed to terminate it if downs or something serious shows up, but I'm nervous about how far along I would be at that point after getting an answer...