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  1. E

    I’m a new dad as of 2.5 weeks ago and can’t say I’m all that excited. Is something wrong with me??

    @kath26 My husband stayed home with our son from months 2-6. My husband developed his own little routine with our son that I think really helped them form a close bond. They would do things like tummy time together. Husband got tummy time on the floor too! They would visit the library and read...
  2. E

    I’m a new dad as of 2.5 weeks ago and can’t say I’m all that excited. Is something wrong with me??

    @kath26 Newborns are hard! Everything is new and difficult for all parties involved. Hang in there. I (a mom) never got the hype about newborns either. But around 4, 5, 6 months when they start developing a personality... that's when it gets fun. All the coming stages each have something so...