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  1. R

    I think I was threatened at work today

    @diamondoutofdust Other commenters have given you really great advice / legal standing! So I just wanted to chime in and say, what a bitch. May she stay a single, miserable wench. You have allll the rights to pump milk (FOOD) for your baby! And in a place that you would prepare any food in a...
  2. R

    Pediatrician said baby sleep is abnormal

    @nserchoftruth Suggest CIO as the first sleeping training option? The only thing you absolutely need to do is a find a new pediatrician. Fuck.
  3. R

    I hate this place

    @tasteofhisgrace Exactly. Things don’t just happen overnight, it really does take baby steps. But they are all steps in the right direction!
  4. R

    I hate this place

    @tasteofhisgrace Soo much this. Especially after today’s tragedy. Bad healthcare, terrible gun laws… I am so eager to vote because I just feel so helpless and sad sometimes, but knowing my vote will be so important from here on out I just need to cast that fucking ballot. For those who may not...
  5. R

    I hate this place

    @looking4answers89 Bootlickers 🙄