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  1. D

    I get so annoyed of hearing “wElL I dOnT kNoW hOw To HeLp UnLesS yOu aSk”…

    @roryrichards I wrote a list on my kitchen tiles of jobs he can do...... I still need to ask.
  2. D

    Help me please, before I lose my ever loving mind. Read full post!

    @amayasasaki I am right with you. We get up early! So I get no toddler free time.
  3. D

    How do you find time to exercise?

    @ddavis Yes, I may have written that poorly, I ended walking for an hour, but it took about six weeks to build up to an hour walk.
  4. D

    How do you find time to exercise?

    @thesolution Walking is great exercise. I make an hour to walk with my 13 month old in a pram each day. I did this since he was a week old and lost the baby weight pretty quick. Good luck.