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    I’m tired

    @rickkinsella Yes this! My standard reply is we’re doing good and it’s busy but really fun. which is all true but gosh you have no idea how busy it.
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    I’m tired

    @made2latreia Oh the smile ….it’s amazing how in that moment you forget all the hardships
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    I’m tired

    @johnfromcalifornia Oh god the weekends. They are harder than weekdays now. 48 hours of non stop work, and I don’t look forward to them at all
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    I’m tired

    @katiebugsb That sounds way more difficult than my work tbh. Can’t imagine how you do it and hats off to you.
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    I’m tired

    @4himiserver Nobody tells you it will be THiS hard! This is tougher than anything I’ve ever done
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    I’m tired

    @sadboi I wish I had that option. Would really like to be able to leave the kids with the husband and I have tried that in the past with a work visit but they were much smaller and not as clingy to me.
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    I’m tired

    @elquesefue Those initial few weeks are maddening. Ignore this post and carry on momma. You can do it 💪💪💪
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    I’m tired

    @how2101 Figuring out dates mentally ever since I typed it out here. Pls manifest
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    I’m tired

    @ephesianz Ya I’n considering staying in a hotel for a night just to be away from it all and recharge.
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    I’m tired

    @esterrubi Hugs to you
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    I’m tired

    @zacharyrw Hahaha that coma part was as morbid as it gets, and yet I laughed 😂
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    I’m tired

    @luv4lionheads Oh same! From a happy marriage pre-kids to why are you in my face marriage for me too :(
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    I’m tired

    @steveberg777 I want this in my life!
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    I’m tired

    @lisa0617 Honestly I miss my maternity break. I thought it was much easier than having to work AND manage kids, even with new born phase challenges. Sleep sleep sleep as much as you can.
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    I’m tired

    @ktb Oh god, so sorry to hear that. Hugs to you mama. Tbh I think I need a good cry it out session to get over this feeling
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    I’m tired

    @masteroftheart Well said
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    I’m tired

    @angelicladyd Hope it was worth it 😛
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    I’m tired

    @sarjp I have been meaning to watch Succession S4, but where’s the time!
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    I’m tired

    Do you sometimes want to just stop being a parent, a spouse and a project manager for everything in your life? I want to quit everything and go away forever sometimes, leaving everyone behind. I don’t know why I’m typing it here but maybe because no one IRL would accept or understand this...