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  1. L

    Baby is 1 and a half and I haven’t had a period yet. Anyone else? Does it have to do with nutrition?

    @olivemcr I know a few people who have done that. I’m still BF at 20 months but I had a super high needs baby/toddler (though like all toddlers are high needs 😂) so I wasn’t really able to have a small gap.
  2. L

    Baby is 1 and a half and I haven’t had a period yet. Anyone else? Does it have to do with nutrition?

    @olivemcr I know it’s so strange how some mums menstruate when EBF a tiny baby and some needs to fully wean to begin again. I noticed my period returned when I night weaned and she slept better.
  3. L

    Baby is 1 and a half and I haven’t had a period yet. Anyone else? Does it have to do with nutrition?

    @olivemcr I think it’s probably the amount of nursing, that will affect your hormones. Especially the overnight nursing. Your body is probably just getting the message you still have a small child who needs your attention… best not make any babies yet! My period has t really returned yet and my...