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  1. M

    I’m tired

    @eaglehaze I'm 9 months in and it has gotten better, but I still feel this way at least a couple times a week. I envision driving off into the sunset and starting a new life. But... then my babies smile at me. That helps.
  2. M

    How do I set my wife up in a realistic way for our twins arrival in Jan…

    @cinder7 I have di/di twins born via scheduled c section at 38 weeks exactly, they were 8 pounds 7 ounces and 7 pounds 9 ounces. So yes, it's possible to grow big twins and have them stay in that long in the absence of complications. I think she's overly concerned about their weights, though...
  3. M

    Birth at 38 weeks?

    @quaheem 38+0 here, scheduled c section. Babies weighed 8 lb 7 oz and 7 lb 9 oz. Aside from the pain of carrying babies that big, my pregnancy was pretty standard, the typical heartburn and swelling and stuff but not too bad. I actually miss feeling the little kicks and sometimes wish I could go...