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  1. P

    Gender patterns?

    @daniel1986 Yes! Well the oldest, 2nd and last. All summer. This one is coming at the end of the month so she sort of counts! My third daughter was March 2nd, the only one of all the kids to not have a summer birthday. We live in Southern California so we are pretty temperate year round, but the...
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    Gender patterns?

    @daniel1986 B, G, B, G, G, G, and in 2 weeks another G
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    3.5yo, 2yo and NB? Am I crazy?

    @angeliabell Just be prepared for it to not happen right away! My oldest 2 are 13 months apart and when my 2nd was 1 I started feeling ready to try again. It took me 2.5 years to get pregnant! So my older 2 were 5 and 4 by the time my 3rd was born. It was an adjustment but not undoable!
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    Gender patterns?

    @bloodtype This is true and I’ve been telling my husband this for years lol. It’s not me making all the girls we keep having (but I’m not complaining, I don’t really care if we have boys or girls!)
  5. P

    Vacation hell

    @qity Family vacations are a ridiculous joke. I hate them. I don’t even like going out to eat with my kids I definitely don’t want to be trapped in an unfamiliar area with them not knowing who is going to have a meltdown and when. Because it will happen.